Jesus Diaz Vico

Jesus Diaz Vico


I am a cryptography researcher in IOHK since September 2021.

Previously, I held industry R&D positions at the Foundations of Cryptography group in IBM Research Zurich, BBVA Next Technologies, Redsys and the Spanish National Cybersecurity Institute (INCIBE), besides several other prior part-time positions, accounting for 15+ years FTE.

I hold a PhD in Computer Science from UAM (2015), an MSc in Information Technologies from UPM (2010) and a BSc+MSc in Computer Science from UAM (2007). I have also collaborated with several research labs, such as the Network Security Lab at Columbia University, UPM’s CriptoLab and UPM’s Quantum Information and Computation Group.



Check them in DBLP or Google Scholar.




I am reachable by email at, and LinkedIn. I am jesusdiazvico at X/Twitter, BlueSky, and Warpcast.

GPG key 30FD B54C 5079 32EB 8D9A B36C 78A7 3BB7 B1A4 6D35.